Assessing thrombotic risk

Atrial fibrillation - CHA2DS2VASC

Prosthetic heart valves

  • Bioprosthetic valves - lower risk than mechanical; anticoagulate for 3 mo (INR goal 2.5), then follow with antiplatelet
  • Mechanical valves - high risk, long-term anticoagulation (INR goal 3.0)

Prior hx of VTE (venous thromboembolism) 

Annual risk of VTE  
Low (< 5%) VTE was > 12 mo ago
Intermediate (5-10%) VTE in past 3-12 mo; active cancer (tx within last 6 mo or palliative tx); non-severe thrombophilia (e.g. Factor V Leiden)
High (> 10%) VTE < 3 mo ago; severe thrombophilia (e.g. Protein C/S deficiency, antiphospholipid)

Risk factors for VTE (venous thromboembolism) 

Hospitalized medical (non-surgical) patients

  • Padua Prediction Score risk assessment for risk over 90 days
  • High risk of VTE is score ≥ 4 - recommend pharmacologic prophylaxis (heparin, lovenox) for those without contraindications (e.g. major bleeding, low platelets, CrCl < 30 ml/min)

Risk Factor


Active cancer


Previous VTE (with the exclusion of superficial vein thrombosis)


Reduced mobility* (bed rest ≥ 3 days, with bathroom privileges)


Already known thrombophilic condition


Recent (≤ 1 mo) trauma and/or surgery


Elderly age (≥ 70 y)


Heart and/or respiratory failure


Acute myocardial infarction or ischemic stroke


Acute infection and/or rheumatologic disorder


Obesity (BMI ≥ 30)


Ongoing hormonal treatment


Surgical patients

  • Generally higher risk for VTE than non-surgical patients
  • Caprini score (long questionnaire)
  • Very low risk (< 0.5%)  
    Low risk (1.5%)  
    High risk  



Risk of bleeding with anticoagulation

  • Heparin/lovenox - maybe 2-fold increase in minor bleeding (e.g. not major intracranial hemorrhage, etc.)

Increase INR with warfarin

DECREASE INR with warfarin


NSAIDS/COX-2 inhibitors


























Supratherapeutic Warfarin

  • Warfarin inhibits synthesis of vitamin K-dependent clotting factors: II, VII, IX, X

INR <4.5

hold/lower dose

Pre-op:  hold dose; PO or IV vitamin K 2.5mg, check INR in 12-24 hrs

>4.5 INR <9

No bleed risk:  hold doses; monitor

Risk for bleed:  PO vitamin K 2.5mg, hold doses

Pre-op: PO or IV vitamin K 5mg; recheck INR in 12-24 hrs

INR >9

Hold dose; give PO vitamin K 2.5-5mg; redose vitamin K q12-24 hrs as needed

Serious Bleeding

Hold warfarin;  Give FFP or PCC

Also give vitamin K 5-10mg IV (slowly over 30 min); redose q 12 hrs prn

  • **hide**(half-life of clotting factors is less than that of warfarin, so give vit K to prevent recurrence of coagulopathy)

4T’s - pretest probability of HIT
(low 0-3, intermed 4-5, high 6-7) Don’t send HIT Ab for low prob!

  • Unfractionated heparin - 0-30% have low platelets; 1-2% have true HIT
  • LMWH (e.g. Lovenox) - < 1% incidence of HIT, but still don't use it if they have a h/o of HIT


2 points

1 point

0 points


>50% ↓ & nadir >20

30-50% ↓OR nadir 10-19

<30% ↓OR nadir <10

Timing of plt drop

Clear onset day 5-14 OR  <1 day if recent heparin within 30 days

C/w  onset 5-14 days but not clear OR onset after day 14 OR  <1 day (prior exposure 30-100 days ago)

Drop <4 days without prior exposure

Thrombosis or other sequelae

New thrombosis

Skin necrosis at heparin injection sites

Anaphylactoid rxn after IV heparin

Progressive or recurrent thrombosis

Non-necrotizing (erythematous) skin lesions

Suspected thrombosis


oTher causes of low plts

None apparent



BJH heparin nomogram (Use your institution’s nomogram!)

  1. Check PTT q6
  2. Adjust to target of 1.5-2x upper limit of control via your institution’s PTT/nomogram
  3. Once 2 consecutive PTT’s are therapeutic, monitor PTT daily

PTT <40 sec

Bolus 3000 units and increase drip by 3 units/kg/hr

PTT 40-50 sec

Bolus 2000 units and increase drip by 2 units/kg/hr

PTT 50-59 sec

No bolus, increase drip by 1 unit/kg/hr

PTT 60-94 sec

No change

PTT 95-104 sec

Decrease drip by 1 unit/kg/hr

PTT 105-114 sec

Hold drip 30 minutes, then decrease drip by 2 units/kg/hr

PTT >114 sec

Hold drip 1 hour, then decrease drip by 3 units/kg/hr


  • Bridging
    • Heparin for 1st 5 days of warfarin until therapeutic INR
    • Not necessary for NOAC (immediately therapeutic) - no bridging in PE was studied for Xarelto, Eliquis
    • Transitioning from one agent to another
  • Warfarin vs. NOAC
    • NOACs lack reversal agents (t1/2 8-15 hrs, avoid in those with high risk of bleeding, e.g. fall risk), but in general less risk of major bleeding than warfarin
    • NOACs are not good for CrCl < 30
    • NOACs don't require INR monitoring; can prescribe a standard dose
    • RCTs (patient population - non-valvular AF; end point of stroke/systemic embolism)
      • RE-LY (dabigatran/Pradaxa vs. warfarin) - dabigatran 150 mg BID superior to warfarin (RR 0.64 for stroke)
      • ROCKET-AF (rivaroxaban/Xarelto vs. warfarin) - rivaroxaban non-inferior to warfarin, but less risk of major bleeding
      • ARISTOTLE (apixaban/Eliqiuis vs. warfarin) - apixaban superior to warfarin (HR 0.79), less major bleeding, also only study to show reduction in all-cause mortality (HR 0.89)
  • Duration of therapy for DVTs
    • Provoked () -  3 mo
    • Unprovoked (higher risk of recurrence) - 
  • Perioperative anticoagulation/anti-platelet therapy


Typical Use

DVT ppx dosing

Therapeutic Dosing

Dose adjust


IV Unfractionated Heparin



Valve bridge


MI/USA: 60 units/kg (max: 4000 units), then drip 12 units/kg/hour

DVT/PE: 80 units/kg (or 5000 units) then drip 18 units/kg/hour


Usually 4-6 hours

  • Turn off drip
  • Protamine

SQ Unfractionated Heparin

DVT ppx

CAN use for DVT/PE

5000 units SQ q 12 hrs or q8 hrs

>100 kg: 7500 units SQ q 8 hours

DVT/PE: 333 units/kg then 250 units/kg every 12 hours


~8-12 hrs

  • Protamine

Low MW Heparin






Enoxaparin (Lovenox)



DVT ppx


Med: 40 mg SQ q24hrs

Ortho:30mg SQ q12 hrs

BMI >40-increase 30%

DVT/PE/ACS: 1 mg/kg SQ Q 12 hours OR 1.5 mg/kg subq daily. (ACTUAL body weight)

Clcr <30: dose q day

ESRD/HD: no use

BMI >40: monitor anti-Xa levels, poss starting dose of 0.75mg/kg SQ q 12

Effects for ~12 hours



DVT/PE (cancer pts)

DVT ppx

-variable depending on risk of DVT

DVT/PE (cancer pts):  200 int. units/kg SQ (maximum dose: 18,000 int. units) once daily for 30 days, then reduce

Clcr <30, monitor anti-Xa levels to determine appropriate dose

Effects for ~24 hrs


Xa inhibitors






Fondaparinux (Arixtra)


DVT ppx

Adults ≥50 kg: 2.5 mg SQ  daily.  No use for ppx in patients <50 kg

<50 kg: 5 mg SQ once daily

50-100 kg: 7.5 mg SQ once daily

>100 kg: 10 mg SQ once daily

Clcr 30-50: caution

Clcr <30: no use

t1/2 17-22 hrs

  • Possible benefit of rFVIIa

Rivaroxaban (Xarelto)

Non-valve Afib


DVT ppx

(only for knee/hip replacement pts) 10 mg po daily

DVT/PE (acute): 15 mg po q12 hrs for 3 wks, then 20 mg po daily

Afib: 20 mg po daily

Clcr 15-50: Afib 15 mg po daily

Clcr <15: avoid use for Afib

Clcr <30: avoid use for DVT/ppx

t1/2 5-9h

  • PCC may help
  • HD/protamine/vit K no help

Apixaban (Eliquis)

Non- valve Afib


DVT ppx

(only for hip/knee replacement pts) 2.5 mg PO BID

Afib: 5 mg po BID

DVT/PE: 10 mg po BID x 7 days, then 5 mg BID; >6 months later 2.5 mg BID

Afib: if >2 of: Cr > 1.5/HD, wt < 60kg, age > 80): 2.5 mg BID

DVT/PE: no adjustment, BUT no trial data with Cr >2.5/CrCl <25

t1/2  8 hrs for 2.5mg; 12-15hrs for 5mg

  • HD no help; no trials of PCC/rFVIIa
  • Charcoal ( 2-6 hrs)

Edoxaban (Savaysa)

Non-valve Afib



Afib:  60 mg po daily

DVT/PE: 60 mg po daily (AFTER 5-10 day bridge)

Clcr  15-50: 30mg daily

Clcr <15-avoid use

 Clcr >95-avoid use for Afib

DVT/PE: 30 mg daily if wt <60kg or if on P-gp inhibitor (verapamil/azithro)

  t1/2  10-14 hrs

Direct thrombin inhibitors






Dabigatran (Pradaxa)

Non-valve Afib



Afib: 150mg po BID

DVT/PE: 150mg po BID (AFTER 5-10 day bridge)

Afib: Clcr 15-30: 75mg PO BID

HD/Clcr <15: avoid use

DVT/PE:  Clcr <30: avoid use

Avoid use if Clcr <50 +  p-GP inhibitors: (amio/clarithro/verapamil)

t1/2 12-14h

  • Idarucizumab (Praxbind)
  • HD may help


Anticoag for HIT (unlabeled)


IV gtt 0.15-0.2 mg/kg/hour; adjust to PTT 1.5-2.5 times baseline value (no starting bolus)

Reduce dose in renal failure

t1/2 25-57 min

  • Turn off drip


Anticoag for HIT


2 mcg/kg/min, check PTT after 2 hours; adjust dose until the steady-state PTT is 1.5-3 times initial value; keep dosage < 10 mcg/kg/minute

Reduce dose (or avoid) in liver disease

Critically ill patients may require lower doses

t1/2 39-51 min

  • Turn off drip






Ortho patients only

DVT/PE, Afib: INR 2-3

Mechanical valves:  goal INR may be higher

Lasts 2-5 days

  • Vitamin K




author: admin | last edited: April 19, 2022, 6:21 p.m. | pk: 109

  1. McBeth PB, Weinberg JA, Sarani B, et al. A surgeon’s guide to anticoagulant and antiplatelet medications part one: warfarin and new direct oral anticoagulant medications. Trauma Surg Acute Care doi:10.1136/tsaco-2016-000020
  2. Yeung LYY, Sarani B, Weinberg JA, et al. A surgeon’s guide to anticoagulant and antiplatelet medications part two: antiplatelet agents and perioperative management. Trauma Surg Acute Care doi:10.1136/tsaco-2016-000022
  3. ACS Guidelines for perioperative management of antithrombotics