1/3 of pts with uncomplicated initial diverticulitis will have a second attack; and 1/3 of those will have a third attack

Outpatient management

  • Antibiotics, e.g. cipro/flagyl

Inpatient management

  • Bowel rest (NPO/IVF, or clears if tolerated)
  • IV abx


Colonoscopy after 6-8 weeks symptom free (do not scope inflamed colon due to risk of perforation)

Elective partial colectomy if:

  • Complicated first attack (abscess requiring drainage; microperforation requiring abx)
  • High-risk patients, e.g. immunosuppressed and a second episode of diverticulitis would have high morbidity
  • ≥ 2 attacks of uncomplicated diverticulitis


  • High fiber diet
  • Avoiding seeds/nuts/etc. has no evidence
author: admin | last edited: July 9, 2018, 6:36 p.m. | pk: 129 | unpublished