Pancreatic cystic lesions

  • can be isolated or a/w VHL, ADPKD

Inflammatory fluid collectionsnot true epithelial cysts; are local complications of acute pancreatitis. However PCNs can cause pancreatitis so do not assume cyst to be inflammatory

  Timing Location Definable wall Contents
Acute peripancreatic fluid collections < 4 wks of acute pancreatitis Extra No No solid/necrosis
Pseudocysts > 4 wks Extra/intra Yes No solid/necrosis
Acute necrotic collections  in setting of nec panc Extra/intra No Liquid/solid
Walled-off pancreatic necrosis > 4 wks Extra/intra Yes Liquid/solid, with necrosis

Non-neoplastic pancreatic cysts - rare, often asymptomatic/not requiring resection, usually diagnosed after resection of something thought to be PCN

Pancreatic cystic neoplasm (PCN)

  Pathology Malignant degeneration
Serous cystic tumors/cystadenoma
12-16%, F > 60Y
Arise from pancreatic centro-acinar cells Very rare, don't need to resect
Mucinous cystic neoplasms (MCNs)
16-23%, F > 40Y
Mucin expressing, cellular atypia, ovarian-like stroma
Tail or body, not communicating with pancreatic duct
Yes - resect
Intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms (IPMNs)
38-49%, M/F > 50Y

Mucin expressing, cellular atypia

Tail or body, causing dilation of pancreatic duct (main duct +/- branch duct)

Main duct - yes, resect

Branch duct - no, observe

Solid pseudopapillary neoplasms (SPNs)
3-5%, F < 35Y
Body or tail, solid/cystic/calcifications Yes, resect

Diagnosis - MRI/MRCP +/- CT, EUS with FNA, CA 19-9/CEA to determine mucinous cyst

Higher risk of malignancy - size > 3 cm, main duct dilation, solid component

Pancreas anatomy

  • Blood supply:
    • Neck/body/tail: supplied by pancreatic branches of splenic artery; drain into splenic vein
    • Head: supplied by sup/inf pancreaticoduodenal artery from gastroduodenal/SMA; drain into SMV/portal vein
  • Ampulla of Vater = hepatopancreatic duct (CBD + PD) at major papilla


  • Op note
  • Resection of head of pancreas requires resection of duodenum (also take 1st 15 cm of jejunum, distal stomach, gallbladder)
  • Conventional - jejunum to pancreas, bile duct, and stomach
  • Roux-en-Y - Jejunum to pancrease and bile cut, then 'roux'/alimentary limb between stomach and jejunum

Distal pancreatectomy, lap

author: last edited: Nov. 19, 2018, 1:16 a.m. | pk: 143 | unpublished