
  WHO grade  
  Mitotic index Ki-67
Well-differentiated tumor (NET) Gr 1 < 2 per 10 HPF < 3%

aka carcinoid tumors (in GI tract)

aka pancreatic NET (islet cell tumor)

Gr 2 2-20 per 10 HPF 3-20%
Poorly differentiated carcinoma (NEC) Gr 3 > 20 per 10 HPF > 20% high grade, rapid clinical course
  • All NETs, even well-differentiated, are considered to have malignant potential!
  • Pancreatic NETs can be functional - e.g. insulinoma, gastrinoma, glucagonoma, VIPoma

Carcinoid syndrome

  • Primarily a/w metastatic tumors from the midgut/small intestine. Vasoactive hormones (like serotonin) produced by primary intestinal tumor are inactivated in the portal circulation/liver - thus, symptomatic carcinoid syndrome must be from tumor downstream, e.g. liver mets
    • Symptoms - flushing, diarrhea
    • Can also get right-sided heart disease (serotonin metabolized in lungs) - thickening of R heart valves. Recommend echo prior to surgery
  • Labs:
    • 24-hour urinary excretion of 5-HIAA (serotonin metabolite) - > 90% Sp/sens
    • Chromogranin A
    • Serum serotonin is less s/s
  • Imaging: Most carcinoid tumors are highly vascular
  • Management: 
  • If resectable - resect, including for resectable liver metastases
    • Majority of patients will recur
    • Carcinoid crisis can occur intra-op with manipulation of tumor causing massive release of hormones - can cause variation in blood pressure. Can prevent by giving octreotide 200 mcg IV pre-op, +/- octreotide gtt 50-100 mcg/hr during surgery.
  • If unresectable, symptomatic - medical therapy with somatostatin analogue (control symptoms and tumor growth)
    • Octreotide 200 mcg subq q8h, when outpatient transition to octreotide LAR (Sandostatin) 20 - 30 mg IM q month
    • Side effects include nausea; if IV can infuse over longer period of time (e.g. 30 min instead of 15 min) to minimize sfx
  • If unresectable, asymptomatic - somatostatin analogue depending on tumor burden?
  • Other therapies
    • PRRT - peptide receptor radioligand therapy, if somatostatin-receptor positive tumor
    • ? everolimus
author: last edited: Feb. 12, 2019, 6:53 p.m. | pk: 144 | unpublished