1. Dial 233 or 1-800-242-9770.
  2. Enter your physician ID number followed by the # key. Do not enter leading 0’s. If your number is 0012, enter 12.
    1. Call Transcription at (510) 974-2239 to find your physician ID #
  3. Enter Area code followed by #
    1. Area codes
      SO1 58 Inpatient 1
      SO2 238    
      Transplant 75 ED 2
      HPB 238  Outpatient surgery 3
      General urology 246  

      GU oncology 256    
  4. Enter Work type followed by # - usually use 36 (clinic letter)
    1. Work type
      Pre-op H&P 1 Neurodiagnostics 30
      Admit H&P Radiation treatment summary 31
      Inpatient progress note  Clinic visit 33
      Consultation  Outpatient letter 36
      Operative Report 5 Radiology report 40
      Inpatient letter 6 Other patient specific note 57
      Discharge summary 7

      Outpatient Psychiatry Note

      Transfer off service 8 Outpatient Procedure  35
      ED note 10    

  5. Enter 8-digit medical record number followed by the # key
  6. Press 6 at any time during dictation to assign a high priority
  7. Please speak the following:
    1. Your first and last name (please spell last name)
    2. Patient’s first and last name (please spell first and last name)
    3. Medical Record Number (MRN)
    4. Attending physician’s first and last name
    5. Type of report
    6. Date of service
    7. ****Last 4 digits of CSN number****
  8. NOTE: You must press 2 to pause. Failure to press 2 will result in long blank spaces in your dictation. 
  9. Press 8 to end dictation and start a new report
    1. 2 Dictate/Stop/Pause 7 Short rewind and pause
      3 Short rewind and play 77 Rewind to beginning w/auto playback
      4 Fast forward  8 New report, same worktype
      5 Disconnect  44 End job
      6 High Priority (STAT) 0 Repeat job confirmation number (Job #)


  • If you would like to switch to listen mode before disconnecting, complete your dictation by pressing 8. When you are prompted for Work Type, enter *1 and then press 3 to enter listen mode.


  • If you would like to switch to listen mode before disconnecting, complete your dictation by pressing 8. When you are prompted for Work Type, enter *1 and then press 3 to enter listen mode.


  • HISTORY & PHYSICALS must be completed within 24hrs of admission or prior to an invasive procedure.
  • OPERATIVE REPORTS must be completed within 24hrs of surgery.
  • DISCHARGE SUMMARIES must be completed within 7 days of discharge.
  • SIGNATURES: Title 22 requires medical records to be completed within 14 days of the patient’s discharge.

Call Transcription at (510) 974-2239  with questions. 

author: last edited: May 12, 2019, 10:47 p.m. | pk: 145 | unpublished