Reducing radiation exposure in fluoroscopy

  • Collimate to smallest area possible (improves image quality, minimizes scattered radiation reaching input, reduces exposure)
  • Minimize patient-to-detector distance
  • Voltage/current settings:
    • Use high voltage (usually 125-150 kVp (Joules per charge))
      • high electron volts = better absorption by tissue; decreases patient dose but increases scatter proportionally
    • Use low amperes/current (usually 1-3 mA (charge per second))
      • Directly proportional to patient radiation dose
      • Whereas radiography (cassettes) uses 100 mA compared to < 5 mA for fluoroscopy
    • Allowable exposure rate (XR intensity) is 5 rads/min
    • Automatic brightness control (ABC) - keeps brightness constant by regulating kVp and mA, depending on density/thickness of patient. 
      • Brightness varies directly with mA and with square of kVp - if kV goes from 80-88 (10% change, brightness goes up by 100% or 2-fold, so ABC turns down mA by half)
      • High kVp for decreased dose; low kVp for better contrast
    • Automatic exposure control (AEC) - controls length of exposure, shuts off at 5 rads/min
      • System can have potential to generate 10 rads/min if has AEC; 5 rads/min if no AEC
    • Tube current and potential must be monitored weekly
  • 'Cumulative manual-reset timer' - makes a sound every 5 min to make fluoro operater aware
  • During C-arm - reduce exposure by > 50%:
    • 'low dose' setting (but can increase noise/decrease contrast)
    • pulsed (1-3/s); synchronized to when shutter is open so that you don't irradiate when shutter is closed during cine/video
    • always use pedal yourself rather than have tech pushing button


  • Filter - at least 2.5 mm of aluminum to absorb low-energy Xray before it reaches the patient
    • XR intensity at tabletop should not exceed 2.2 rads/min for each mA at 80 kVp
  • Target - fast-moving electrons from tungsten cathode hit the target/anode and create Xrays. Target is the source of the X rays.
    • XR photon produced by bremmststrahlung process - electrons interact with nuclear electric field and decelerate - lost energy becomes an XR photon
    • 5% of incident XR photons emerge from patient unaffected (remnant radiation) and form the XR image
  • Target to tabletop distance should be at least 12-18 inches
    • Inverse square law - intensity of radiation inversely proportional to square of distance from source, so further distance = less radiation
    • XR beam should be under the table to minimize exposure
    • Table must be low atomic number (carbon fiber, aluminum, Bakelite) to avoid absorbing XR
  • Scatter is from patient - directly proportional to patient exposure; thickness of body part
    • Scatter is mainly at 45, then 60, 90 degrees from vertical under the table (eg 45 degrees from vertical = 135 degrees from primary beam)
    • 99% is from Compton scatter - XR interacts with outer shell electron and ejects electron, AND re-emits secondary photon which is scattered
    • Whereas photoelectric absorption means that XR photon interacts with inner shell electron and loses all energy, ejects electron
    • Thompson effect/coherent scatter - not enough energy to eject electron; electron bumped up to higher orbital and falls back down to emit a photon -> 'fog'
  • Image reception
    • Intensifier = vacuum tube device that converts XRs to visible image
      • Input phosphor absorbs XR photons and converts to light photons
        • This is the primary barrier for the C arm
      • Photocathode converts light photons to electrons (photoemission)
      • Electrostatic lens focuses electrons into a fine beam (~ 25 kV)-> accelerating anode -> output phosphor which converts electrons back into light photons
        • Phosphors should be checked periodically for degradation by measuring conversion factor = intensity of output phosphor/input exposure rate
      • Brightness is achieved by electron acceleration (flux gain usually ~ 100) and minification of output image (how much it is focused - ratio of input area (eg radius squared) to output area of image intensifier; compresses photons, usually 12 in -> 1 in ~ 144x)
    • Flat panel
    • Quantum mottle - random variation of photons incident on the radiation detector; depends on number of photons used to produce an image. Doubling radiation reduces fluctuations by 2^0.5 (41%). Correct by increasing kVp. Usually use 2-5 mA for KUBs.
    • Shape distortion caused by geometric problems in shape of image intensifier - can have 'pincushion distortion' at edge because convex input is projected to flat output (edge is magnified)
    • Vignetting - periphery is less bright
    • Camera - vidicon is most common. Plumbicon used for cath lab (very low lag), less exposure
    • Resolution of image intensifier measured in line pairs/mm (usually ~ 4; higher with cesium iodide)
    • Monitor is usually 525-lines per image regardless of monitor size; higher res is 1000 lines/image
      • Kell factor = ratio between vertical resolution (lp/mm) and # horizontal scan lines
    • Larger film size is more exposure
  • Protection - 0.25 mm lead-equivalence needed to protect from scatter
    • 0.25 mm blocks 97%, 0.5 mm reduces 99.9%
    • Minimum is 0.25; shields/aprons are 0.5 mm, stationary shields 1 mm, glasses 0.35 mm


  • 1 Gy = 100 rad (measurement of radiation absorbed; absorbed dose)
  • 1 Sv = 100 rem (measurement of biological effect; absorbed dose equivalent) = J/kg = ~ 100 Roentgen (unit of exposure)
  • 10 mSv = 1 rem
  • 1 gm rad = 100 ergs (integral dose; amount of energy absorbed by tissue)
  • Short term - 25 rads or less acute dose is safe
  • Cumulative lifetime dose - 10 x age (in mSv)
  • Occupational workers - limit 50 mSv/year = 5 rem (< 0.5 rem/month)
    • eye dose equivalent - < 150 mSv/year
  • Random people - limit 1 mSv/year
  • Pregnant - < 5 mSv or 0.5 rem/year = 0.05 rem or 0.5 mSv/month
    • If a embryo already has had 5 mSv by the time pregnancy is declared, cannot have more than 0.5 mSv for remainder of pregnancy
  • Spontaneous abortion - 50 rads
    • Weeks 1-2 spontaneous abortion; 2-6 -> organogenesis effects. Risk of malformations significantly increased above 15 rad
  • Cataracts - several hundred rads acute dose
  • 50Gy - death in a couple days, 10Gy - hematopoietic syndrome, 6Gy - GI syndrome (death in 3-10 days)
  • Tissue sensitivity depends on mitotic activity - spleen/bone marrow > GI (epithelial cells) -> developing embryo
  • Radiation induced cancer - breat > thyroid > bone marrow > lung > GI > bone
  • High radiation area - could receive > 1 mSv/hr = 100 mRem/hr
  • Radiation area - could receive > 0.05 mSv/hr = 5 mRem/hr
  • 1 foot away from source - 500 mR/hr, 2ft 100, 3 ft 50

Fluoro Formulas

  • Image intensifier
    • Brightness gain = minification gain x flux gain
    • Minification gain = (input screen diameter)2 / (output screen diameter)2
    • Flux gain = measurement of increase in light photons due to conversion efficiency of the output screen (not input screen) → value given by manufacturer
    • Conversion factor (the measurement of brightness gain on an II) = intensity of output phosphor (candelas/m2) / input exposure rate
    • Magnification: increase in radiation dose = (normal mode size)2 / (magnification mode size)2
      • Increasing mag increases radiation dose to brighten the image
  • General
    • V = IR
    • Noise = 1 / √# x rays (to decrease noise, increase x rays by half)
    • Dose = Energy deposited / mass(dose ex// air kerma; units = Gy, rad)
    • DAP (Dose Area Product) = Dose x Area of beam (Gy x cm2)
    • Oxygen Enhancement Ration = radiation dose to cause response w/o O2 / dose to cause response w O2
    • Magnification = SID / SOD
author: last edited: Jan. 11, 2020, 12:58 p.m. | pk: 147 | unpublished

How to get license

  1. Part 1: Fill out this form
    1. On the form select the category: Fluoroscopy Supervisor and Operator Permit.
    2. You need a valid California Physician license.
    3. The cost is $127.00.
    4. You have to mail in the application with a check
    5. More info:
    6. You will get a confirmation letter within 1-2 weeks that your application has been received.
  2. Part 2: You must now take the CDPH-RHB approved examination within 180 days. Examinations are administered by the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT). Your application is forwarded by the CDPH to the ARRT
    1. To register for the exam go to:
    2. Click on register and you will be prompted for your DOB, SS# and zip code to log in. Then pay $175.00 online to apply for the test. 10-14 business days later you will receive your Candidate Status Report and the examination handbook
  3. Part 3: You now have 90 days from the date of the Candidate Status Report to take the test. Instructions on how to register at one of the Pearson VUE test centers is on the Candidate Status Report. The test is a 100 question 2 hour test
    1. Study material
    2. Study material (Stanford Box)
    3. We have also purchased access to a web site with 500 test questions to help you pass the test
      1. Login:
      2. Password: VNUIHE
    4. The test is not easy, but passable. You have to reserve at least 2-3 full days to study for it. Read the 6 ASRT self-directed learning modules from the web site and take the test questions. This is one exam where you want to study just before the test, as you will forget most of what is required very quickly. Lots of radiation physics and regulations, few medical questions. You will however learn how a fluoroscopy unit works. 
  4. The permit is valid for 2 years and the license can be renewed without taking another test