Drug starting dose
ACE inhibitors / ARBs lisinopril 20 mg QD
DHP CCB amlodipine 5 mg QD
thiazide hydrochlorothiazide (max 25 mg, no increased efficacy above this only side effects)
beta blockers not first line for HTN


Drug equivalency

β blocker ACE-i ARB
atenolol  50 mg QD lisinopril 10 mg losartan 25 mg
bisoprolol  5 mg QD benazepril 10 mg candesartan 8 mg
carvedilol (Coreg)  12.5 mg BID captopril 50 mg irbesartan 75 mg
labetalol  100 mg BID enalapril 5 mg valsartan 80 mg
metoprolol succinate (extended release) (Toprol XL) 100 mg QD ramipril 2.5 mg    
metoprolol tartrate (Lopressor)  50 mg BID        
nadolol  80 mg QD        
timolol  5 mg BID        

PRN treatment of inpatient HTN

  • Treat underlying causes (pain, nausea, etc.)
  • Give their home HTN meds
  • Amlodipine 5 mg PO
  • Labetalol 20 mg IV if cannot take PO
  • Hydralazine 5 mg PO if patient bradycardic (pure vasodilator/compensatory tachycardia); otherwise not preferred (can increase myocardial oxygen demand, not good for angina/CAD) and a little unpredictable

Hypertensive urgency/emergency

  • Hypertensive urgency = severe asymptomatic hypertension (DBP ≥ 120 mmHg) - low risk, no acute end-organ damage
  • Hypertensive emergency (crisis!) = severe HTN (usually ≥ 180/120) with symptoms related to acute end-organ damage
    • Malignant HTN = severe HTN + retinal exudates/hemorrhages/papilledema, +/- involvement (end stage; rare now; generally fatal)
    • HTN encephalopathy = severe HTN + signs of cerebral edema
  • If BP > 200/120, should probably treat even if asymptomatic
  • Rapid lowering of high BP in asymptomatic patients has no evidence of benefit (may cause harm)
  • Promptly (over few hrs) lowering BP - PO
    • Clonidine 0.1-0.2 mg PO
    • Captopril 6.25-12.5 mg PO (?)
    • Labetalol 100-200 mg PO
    • Can do lasix 20 mg PO if volume overloaded
    • Do not use short-acting CCBs (e.g. nifedipine) unless no CV risk factors
    • Sublingual nitro is not a good BP med (short-acting); use if indicated e.g. anginal chest pain
  • HTN emergency will require IV meds
  Dose Mechanism Notes
Nitroprusside     CN poisoning?
Nitroglycerin   reduce afterload and preload (venodilation)  
Labetalol     bb contraindicated in acute heart failure
Enalaprilat   ACE-i  
Phentolamine   a-blocker (only if pheo...)
author: admin | last edited: June 14, 2018, 1 a.m. | pk: 15 | unpublished