Differential diagnosis

Urethral Vaginal
  • Caruncle = mucosal prolapse
  • Diverticulum
  • Skene's (paraurethral) gland cyst 
  • Polyp
  • Condyloma
  • Carcinoma
  • Prior bulking agent (looks like diverticulum)
  • Carcinoma
  • Condyloma
  • Endometriosis
  • Leiomyoma
  • Epithelial inclusion cyst
  • Mullerian cyst
  • Gartner's duct cyst
  • Bartholin's cyst
  • Cystocele/rectocele


  • Any abnormal urethral mucosa warrants biopsy/excision to r/o cancer
  • Caruncle = mucosal prolapse (mucosa still smooth/normal), can bleed/be irritative
    • Asymptomatic = education, reassurance
    • Symptomatic/bothersome - sitz baths, estrogen cream
    • Severe pain/necrosis - surgical excision
  • Urethral diverticulum
    • Etiology
      • Can be congenital
      • 2/2 infection of periurethral/Skene's glands (trauma/birth, surgery)
      • Can be false (bulking agent seen on MRI)
    • Classification
      • Location, number, size
      • Configurations - round, saddle-shaped/crescent, circumferential/'U'
        • Only factor that impacts success; saddle shape is worse
      • Site of communication
      • Continence status
      • True vs pseudo
        • Pseudodiverticula = disruption of periurethral fascia via surgery; will not have ostia/neck of true tic
        • True diverticula are contained deep to periurethral fascia
    • Mass on physical exam in 80%
      • Expressable purulence from urethra is diagnostic
    • Symptoms - "3 D's"
      • Dysuria - 40%
      • Dyspareunia - 30%
      • Dribble - 20%
      • D+D+D = < 20%
      • Expression of purulent fluid - 25%
    • Diagnose with MRI - 97% sensitive, gives good anatomic information
    • Mostly inflammation, can find malignancy in 3%
    • Surgery = excise neck of diverticulum/close ostia and close periurethral fascia > removing entire sac
  • Skene's duct (paraurethral) cyst
    • Ducts terminate in mid/distal urethra at 3 and 9 o clock
  • Mullerian cyst = midline
    • 44% of all vaginal cysts
  • Gartner's duct cyst = lateral wall of vagina (remnant in broad ligament)
    • Rare
  • Bartholin's gland cyst = 5, 7'oclock
author: admin | last edited: Oct. 1, 2020, 11:35 a.m. | pk: 184 | unpublished