GU embryology

  • Weigert-Meyer - associated with upper pole, obstruction
    • Can also be associated with reflux (less commonly) than obstruction
  • Persistent Chwalla's membrane between ureteral bud (ureter) and UG sinus (bladder) (fails to obliterate - so can range from completely obstructive to not
    • A/w defect in trigone formation, so also a/w dysfunctional bladder
    • If was completely obstructed in utero then will lead to cystic dysplastic kidney pole
  • Types
    • Intravesical - contained entirely within bladder
    • Ectopic - has some portion permanently situated at bladder neck or in urethra
    • and a/w duplex vs single system


  • Urosepsis
  • Antenatal diagnosis
  • Palpable abdominal mass - hydronephrosis from obstructed renal unit
  • Urinary retention - prolapse of ureterocele into urethra and occluding (rare!!)

Emergent indications for puncturing ureterocele

  • Septic
  • Prolapsed  - causing bilateral hydro/bladder outlet obstruction
    • If visible, aspirate/reduce with 14 Fr Angiocath


  • General principles - if no lower pole VUR, start with endoscopic incision/watering can, if already has lower pole VUR then go ahead with reimplantation (?)
  • Endoscopic incision
    • Ideally within first 1-2 mo of life
    • After ureterocele endoscopic treatment, can get de novo reflux on that side
      • More likely to get reflux with complete resection > 'watering can' approach
      • Kennedy does single puncture to avoid reflux; may need second puncture if obstruction doesn't resolve
  • Excision and reimplantation
    • May need bladder neck reconstruction to prevent incontinence
  • Ureteroureterostomy of upper ureter to lower pole
    • Risks - obstruction, damage to lower pole ureter
  • Upper pole partial nephrectomy
    • If duplex system and upper pole not functional
    • Avoids surgery at bladder level
author: last edited: May 26, 2020, 6:54 p.m. | pk: 194 | unpublished