Testicular tumors

  • Germ cell (90-95%)
    • Seminoma - most common testis tumor (65% of germ cell tumors) (age 30-40)
    • Non-seminoma
      • Yolk sac (infants/children) = most common malignant testicular tumor in boys
      • Embryonal, choriocarcinoma (worst prognosis), teratoma (age 20-30), mixed with seminoma
        • Mature teratoma = benign in children, mostly benign in adults
      • Gonadoblastoma - rare, a/w intersex (DSD with Y chromosome). Invasive = dysgerminoma
  • Non-germ cell (stromal) (5-10%)
    • Leydig (most common non-germ cell) - can present with precocious puberty (usually benign, but 10% malignant behavior/metastasize - treat with RPLND as resistant to chemo/radiation)
    • Sertoli - a/w genetic syndromes (usually benign)
    • However if Leydig/Sertoli do metastasize, prognosis is poor. Still monitor these patients
    • Granulosa (neonate)
  • Lymphoma - most common cause of bilateral testis tumors (age > 50, or a/w ALL relapse in peds)
  • Microlithiasis - no increased risk factors for cancer; ignore/manage with self exams only
  • Germ cell neoplasia in situ (GCNIS) - risk of developing invasive GCT is 50% within 5 years. Increased but low risk for contralateral tumor
    • Discuss surveillance vs XRT (18-20 Gy) vs orchiectomy (if found on testis sparing surgery)

Risk factors

  • Cryptorchidism - testis location (height) correlates with cancer risk; more common on right. Unilateral crypto causes increased cancer risk in contralateral testis too.


  • Most commonly to retroperitoneal lymph nodes
    • L-sided: left para-aortic nodes
    • R-sided: R interaortocaval nodes
    • **hide**Altered lymphatic flow (previous surgery, invasion) can → inguinal nodes (from scrotum) or pelvic nodes (from spermatic cord)
  • Distant metastasis: lung, liver, brain, bone
  • Choriocarcinoma spreads hematogenously
  • Spermatocytic seminoma (1-4% of seminoma) has very low metastatic potential

Staging: pathologic staging after radical orchiectomy.

pTx cannot assess primary tumor
pT0 no evidence of primary tumor (eg histologic scar)
pTis Carcinoma in situ (intratubular germ cell neoplasia)

Limited to testis (including rete testis invasion) with no LVI

(pure seminoma only: pT1a < 3 cm, pT1b ≥ 3 cm)


Limited to testis/epididymis (including rete testis invasion) with LVI, or

Invading hilar soft tissue or penetrating visceral mesothelial layer covering the external surface of tunica albuginea with or without lymphovascular invasion

pT3 Invades spermatic cord
pT4 Invades scrotum
N1 LN ≤ 2 cm (pN1: ≤ 5 nodes positive)
N2 LN 2 - 5 cm (pN2: > 5 nodes positive)
N3 LN > 5 cm
M1 Distant metastasis
M1a Nonregional (non-retroperitoneal) nodal, or pulmonary metastasis
M1b Nonpulmonary visceral metastasis

S stage: determined by nadir of post-orchiectomy tumor markers

  • Useful for staging, risk stratification, relapse monitoring
  • Mnemonic for S1 threshold: "1, 5, 1.5" for AFP < 1k, HCG < 5k, LDH < 1.5 ULN
  • Normal AFP: < 10 , or < 20 and stable
  • Normal hCG: < 10 ish
  LDH HCG (mIu/mL) AFP (ng/mL)
S0 Normal & normal & normal
S1 < 1.5 ULN & < 5,000 & < 1,000
S2 1.5 - 10 ULN or 5,000 - 50,000 1,000-10,000
S3 > 10 ULN or > 50,000 10,000
Sx ? ? ?

IGCCCG risk stratification

  • Good - S1 and no nonpulmonary visceral mets (90% 'cure' rate)
  • Intermediate - S2 and no nonpulmonary visceral mets (70% 'cure' rate)
  • Poor - S3 or mediastinal primary or nonpulmonary visceral mets (50% 'cure' rate)
  • Chemo based on IGCCCG risk - 3 vs 4 cycles of BEP

Stage grouping: used for treatment

  • **hide**8th edition (2017)
0 pTis N0 M0 S0
Stage I - testicle only
I pT1-4 N0 M0 Sx
IA pT1 (no LVI) N0 M0 S0
IB  pT2-4 (LVI) N0 M0 S0
IS any N0 M0 S1-3
Stage II - nodal only
II any N1-3 M0 Sx
IIA any N1 M0 S0-1
IIB any N2 M0 S0-1
IIC any N3 M0 S0-1
Stage III
IIIA any any M1a S0-1
IIIB any any M1a S2
N1-3 M0
IIIC any any M1a S3
M1b any


  • Painless mass or swelling in testes; some with hydrocele.
    • More common on right (cryptorchidism ismore common on right)
    • Bilateral in 1-3% (lymphoma is most common cause)
  • Gynecomastia in 30-50% with Sertoli/Leydig tumors (testosterone → estrogen)
  • Back pain, abdominal mass with large retroperitoneal metastases
    • Sometimes supraclavicular node/mass
    • If hx surgery for undescended testicle, may alter lymphatic planes and could have inguinal lymphadenopathy


If normal markers but equivocal exam/imaging (e.g. marginally enlarged lymph nodes 0.8 - 1.5 cm) - re-image in 6-8 weeks.

  • Scrotal ultrasound (testis tumor is benign in 1% of adults, 20% of children)
    • Heterogeneous, vascular 
    • Other benign lesions
      • Epidermoid cyst = "onion skin" appearance, alternating hypo/hyperechoic layers. Single cell type mature teratoma. Remove with partial orchiectomy
  • Solid intratesticular mass (suspicion for malignancy)
    • Tumor markers (AFP, β-HCG, LDH)
    • LFTs (check for liver metastasis; other causes of ↑ AFP)
      • AFP very high in infants (10,000s) - does not normalize until 8 mo - 12 year 
    • CBC, Cr (RPLN metastases may obstruct ureter), CXR (lung metastasis)
  • No biopsy - risk of scrotal seeding, causing inguinal lymphatic spread
    • If biopsy was done, will require upstaging of disease
  • CT A/P, chest imaging
    • Can wait til after orchiectomy path back - could be benign
    • Seminoma - can get CXR only (less aggressive spread/does not skip)
    • Get CT chest for NSGCT, or seminoma with abdominal disease
    • Technically if clean orch, don't need to monitor the pelvis
    • If borderline lymphadenopathy, can repeat scan 4 weeks before chemo to see if chemo really needed
  • If neuro symptoms and concern for chorio (bHCG > 5000), brain MRI (hematogenous spread)

Tumor markers:

Yolk Sac maybe maybe
Choriocarcinoma never ALWAYS
Embryonal maybe (no) maybe
Teratoma never never
Seminoma never* maybe (10%, should be < 1,000)
  • *seminoma on orchiectomy histology but ↑ AFP → treat as mixed germ cell tumor (assume unidentified non-seminoma element)
  t1/2 (5 x t1/2) false positives
β-HCG (choriocarcinoma > embryonal > seminoma) 2d (1-2 wks) marijuana, high LH cross-reacts (hypergonadotropic hypogonadism eg b/l orchiectomy or atrophy)
LDH (seminoma, nonseminoma) 4d (3 wks)  
AFP (yolk sac > embryonal) 6d (5 wks) newborn (elevated until 8 months), liver dysfunction, GI/lung cancer

Initial management of testicular mass

  • Radical inguinal orchiectomy
    • Offer sperm banking, testicular prosthesis to adults
      • 1-3 deposits 3-5 days apart (doesn't need to happen before orch, just before chemo). ~$500/year
      • Can refer to REI clinic, California Cryobank, www.meetfellow.com/
      • Reasons against prosthesis - infection risk, delay to chemo if infected, asymmetric appearance, easy to do later if he wants
    • Inguinal approach to remove entire spermatic cord and testicle - avoid trans-scrotal approaches.
      • Make sure to tag remnant spermatic cord with permanent suture in case the abdominal portion needs to be removed in future surgery
  • If there was scrotal violation
    • 2.9% risk of local recurrence but no difference in survival (e.g. only rarely consider adjuvant treatment such as scar excision or XRT)
    • If RPLND - excision of spermatic cord remnant and scrotal scar, with no additional treatment
    • If post-chemo, spermatic cord remnant excision alone at time of RPLND (no need for scar excision)
  • Mature teratoma in pediatrics
    • Partial orchiectomy OK if diagnosis confirmed on frozen
    • If excision complete pre-puberty, no need for further onc followup

Overall survival 95% (all-comers)

Post-orchiectomy management of germ cell tumors

  • Orchiectomy reveals primary malignancy → staging
    • Stage with histopathology
    • S-stage with nadir of post-orchiectomy serum markers (wait ≥ 5 half-lives after surgery, see above).
    • CT A/P → chest CT for lung metastasis if abnormality found on CT A/P or CXR
      • Can omit CXR in pure seminoma if CT A/P normal - does not 'skip' RP to go to lungs
      • If borderline IIA nodes (e.g. 1-2 cm) - repeat imaging in 6-8 wks


  Seminoma (normal AFP) Nonseminomatous or mixed (e.g. seminoma with ↑ AFP) 
Stage IA,IB
(no nodes, normal markers)

Surveillance (q1-3 mo tumor markers + q3-12 mo CT chest/abdomen/pelvis)
If not compliant with surveillance: treatment

Surveillance - 15% relapse rate
Adjuvant chemo/XRT - 5% relapse rate

Higher risk if - rete testis invasion, or size > 4 cm (weak evidence; NCCN 2021 strongly rec surveillance)

or Chemo - 1-2 cycles single agent carboplatin (not as toxic as cisplatin) (risk of relapse 5% with 1 cycle, 1.5% with 2 cyles)

or XRT - 20-25 Gy in 15-20 daily fractions (less favored due to risk of secondary malignancy e.g. leukemia (18% at 25 years); CV disease)

Surveillance (preferred for IA) - relapse rate 20% for IA, 40% for IB (+LVI), ~50% for LVI + embryonal

or Chemo - BEP x1 (risk of relapse 3-5%)

or Primary RPLND (nerve-sparing) - consider for patients with high risk of teratoma (risk of relapse 10%). 20-25% have positive nodes/stage II disease -> surveillance vs chemo

(nodes involved, or ↑↑ markers)

XRT to lymph nodes
(30Gy to RP and ipsilateral iliac), recurrence rates up to 2-7%

or chemo - BEP x3 or EPx4

Chemo preferred for bulky nodes > 3 cm

RPLND for seminoma - in clinical trials

Chemo - BEP x 3 or EP x 4

or RPLND for normal markers - IIA and select IIB

Chemo preferred for elevated markers or bulky nodes > 3cm

RPLND preferred if high risk of teratoma

(LN > 5 cm, or metastatic)

Chemo - BEP x 3 or EP x 4 (good risk); BEP x 4 or VIP x 4 (intermediate/poor risk)

Then re-evaluate with tumor markers and CT chest/A/P

Seminoma - maybe 36 Gy XRT to RP and iliac

- Residual mass, normal markers

≤ 3 cm: observe (0-4% chance of viable malignancy)
> 3 cm (13-55% chance of viable malignancy) → PET scan ≥ 6 wks after chemo to avoid false positives; RPLND if + PET (post-chemo RPLND is harder in seminoma due to desmoplastic reaction.)

80-90% necrosis/fibrosis (observe) 
10-20% malignancy (salvage therapy)
rare teratoma (observe)

≤ 1 cm: observe, maybe RPLND
> 1 cm → full b/l RPLND

40% necrosis (observe)
40% teratoma (observe)
20% malignancy (chemo)

(teratoma not FDG-avid, so no role for PET scan)

- tumor grows or ↑ markers

 Salvage therapy 

Second line chemo - standard dose VeIP or TIP, or high-dose chemotherapy (requires peripheral stem cell transplant) 

RPLND if late relapse (> 2 years) of NSGCT and resectable

  • Surveillance schedules - see NCCN guidelines PDF at bottom, page 27-31
    • Stage I GCT - < 1% risk of late relapse after 5 years
      • Seminoma - Chest and tumor markers PRN. TRISST trial - less frequent surveillance with MRI (e.g. 3 scans vs 7 scans over 72 mo) is OK
      • NSGCT - include CXR + tumor markers and surveil more frequently than seminoma
  • Chemocisplatin is most effective against germ cell tumors.
    • Give EP x 4 (etoposide + cisplatin) or BEP x 3 (bleomycin + EP). Each cycle is ~ 3 weeks
      • VIP = replace bleomycin with ifosfamide if bleomycin is contraindicated. V = etoposide (VePesid).
      • Bleomycin a/w pulmonary toxicity; relatively contraindicated for > 40 yo (although has minimal myelosuppression compared to other agents)
    • Teratoma will not respond to chemo; will need RPLND
    • Toxicity: hearing loss, peripheral neuropathy, CVD, pulmonary fibrosis, renal impairment, secondary malignancy
    • Post chemo - tumor markers ~ 1 wk, repeat scan ~ 1 mo to see if needs post chemo RPLND
    • Lung masses only have 75% pathology concordance with RP masses post-chemo - still have to resect even if RP mass is fibrosis
  • Relapse
    • Late relapse (> 5 years) - consider RPLND, more likely to be teratoma (unresponsive to chemo)

Non-germ cell (Sertoli/Leydig): surveillance if no metastases

Lymphoma: Med-onc referral for systemic chemo

author: admin | last edited: June 23, 2024, 1:09 p.m. | pk: 2

  1. Testicular cancer (COViD UCSF lecture)
  2. AUA guideline - Diagnosis and treatment of early stage testicular cancer (2019)
    1. Audio version set to soothing tunes (Spotify - Seranio)
  3. AUA Core Curriculum - Testis neoplasms
  4. AUA Core Curriculum - GU pediatric oncology
  5. Anki deck download