• Curative treatment option for prostate cancer - removal of prostate and seminal vesicles, followed by urethrovesical anastomosis
  • Pelvic lymph node dissection (PLND) based on risk - perform if nomogram shows high risk of involvement > 5-7% (MSKCC; Briganti).
  • Robotic/lap vs open:
    • similar outcomes in cancer control, continence, and ED
    • Less blood loss with robot/lap (< 10% transfusion rate w open, < 1% with lap/robotic)
    • Shorter hospital stay with RALP

PLND template borders

  • Anterior: external iliac vein
  • Posterior: obturator nerve/fossa
    • Extended PLND - go deeper to floor of pelvis; better chance of detecting metastases)
  • Proximal: origin of internal iliac artery
    • Extended PLND - go up to where ureter crosses the common iliac
    • Super-extended: up to aortic bifurcation
  • Distal: Cooper's ligament
  • Medial: bladder
  • Lateral: pelvic side wall
  • Super-extended: include pre-sacral lymph nodes
PLND landmarks


Anatomic landmarks

  • Anterior: puboprostatic ligaments - from pubic bone to prostate
  • Lateral: endopelvic fascia (inner investing fascia of levator ani fascia)
  • Posterior: Denovillier's fascia (rectoprostatic fascia) - invests seminal vesicles, goes over rectum
  • Base - bladder neck, vas, SVs
  • Apex - Urethra

Stanford robotic prostatectomy

PS1 diet
POD 1 Chung - JP Cr
Regular diet
Foley out in 10-14 days



  • Erectile dysfunction
    • If neurovascular bundle (posterior-lateral to the prostate) not involved, can do nerve sparing to preserve erections.
    • Penile rehabilitation (vacuum erection device/VED) - regular erections prevent fibrosis/scarring and preserve tissue
    • Daily low dose PDE-5 
  • Stress urinary incontinence
    • Improves during year after surgery; chronic incontinence uncommon ~ 5%
      • 89% continent at 1 year after surgery (1-5% rate of surgical repair at 1 year)
      • Continence rates correlate with longer preserved urethral length
    • Internal sphincter (involuntary) is removed but external sphincter (voluntary) remains and urinary continence is typically regained after ~12-18 mo.
    • Some benefit to starting Kegels before surgery
  • Infertility/aspermia (always)
  • Bladder neck/anastomotic stricture (5-10%)
    • Typically presents about 2 months after surgery
    • Responds well to dilation, then DVIU
  • Decrease in penile length (~1 cm)
  • Lymphocele
    • Less common with robotic/intraperitoneal approach - lymph will just drain into the abdomen
    • IF extraperitoneal, can treat with peritoneal window
  • Rectal injury
  • Obturator nerve injury (impairs leg adduction)
author: admin | last edited: March 15, 2023, 9:37 a.m. | pk: 21

  1. AUA Core curriculum - Prostate Cancer Localized/Locally Advanced Treatment - includes videos at bottom
  2. AUA guideline – Clinically Localized Prostate Cancer (2017)
  3. Incontinence after Prostate Cancer (COViD UCSF – 1 hr)