Routine questions

  • Cramping, bleeding, fluid leakage
  • Fetal heart tones (US < 12 wks, Doppler > 12 wks)
  • > 16 wks: fetal movement
  • > 20 wks: measure fundal height

Initial visit

  • PMH, PSH, FH, SH, Meds, Allergies
    • Personal or FH of DVT/PE/stroke (@ early age)
    • FH of developmental delay/birth defect; type
    • FH of multiple miscarriages, bleeding, or clotting disorders
  • Gyn hx
    • Age at menarche
    • Menses regular (Y/N), cycle length
    • Any abnormal paps? When? +/- colpo/laser/LEEP/conization?
    • STIs?
    • Gyn surgeries?
  • OB hx
    • G[] P[ , , , ]
    • Miscarriages (Y/N), number, at what gestational age
    • Date of LMP? Was LMP normal in timing/duration?
  • Vaccinations and dates (Tdap, MMR, Flu)
  • Screened for CF, SC, Thalassemia, Ashkenazi panel?
  • Labs
    • Rh(D) type, antibody screen
    • Hgb/Hct, MCV
    • HIV< VDRL/RPR, HBsAg
    • Rubella, varicella immunity
    • Pap (if screening indicated)
    • Chlamydia PCR
    • UCx
    • Dipstick for urine protein
  • 18-20 wks - fetal survey - date scheduled?
  • 24-28 wks 
    • Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) screening (glucose measured 1 hr after 50 g glucose challenge)
      • If positive (≥ 140 mg/dL), confirm diagnosis with 100-g 3-hour glucose tolerance test (positive if ≥ 2 abnormal values) 
      • Blood glucose Carpenter & Coustan NDDG
        Fasting ≥ 95 ≥ 105
        1 hr ≥ 180 ≥ 190
        2 hr ≥ 155 ≥ 165
        3 hr ≥ 140 ≥ 145
      • Goal: fasting ≤ 95 mg/dL, 1 hr ≤ 140 or 2 hr ≤ 120. Poor control a/w increased risk for pre-eclampsia, macrosomia/shoulder dystocia, neonatal hypoglycemia 
      • 1st-line treatment: Dietary modifications
      • 2nd-line treatment (if not meeting goals): Medications (insulin, metformin, glyburide OK in pregnancy)
    • CBC to screen for anemia/need for iron supplementation
    • Rh (+/-)
      • If negative, antibody screening and Rhogam
  • 32-34 wks
    • Contraceptive counseling
    • Review labor signs, make sure signed up for classes, know where triage is located, how to call after hours exchange
  • 36-37 wks
    • GBS screening
    • CBC/HIV
    • Scan for presentation
author: last edited: Oct. 20, 2018, 10:50 p.m. | pk: 27 | unpublished