Gross motor Fine motor Social Language 
1 mo   Fisted hands Follows face Startles to voice
2 mo Head bobs when sitting Hands unfisted 50%, holds hand together Reciprocal smile Coos, vowel noises
4 mo Sits with trunk support
No head lag
Rolls front to back
Hands open
Smiles at pleasurable things
Stops crying at parent's voice
6 mo Sits unsupported Transfers hand-to-hand
Raking grasp
Feeds self crackers
Stranger anxiety

Stops to "no"
Consonant babble

9 mo
(ASQ #1)
(lead level)

Pulls to stand
Bangs two cubes together Follows a pointing finger Orients to name well
Nonspecific "mama"
Imitates sounds
12 mo
(Hgb screen)
Independent steps Scribbles after demo
Pincer grasp
Attempts 2-cube tower
Shared interest
Points to get objects
Gestures with vocalizing
Uses 3 words
15 mo Stoops to pick up toy
Walks carrying toy
3-4 cube tower
10 cubes into cup
Uses spoon
Turns pages
Shows empathy 
Points to 1 body part
3-5 words
18 mo
(ASQ #2)
(lead level)

Creeps down stairs
Throws ball

Removes coat

Matches pairs
Pretend play
Shame and possessiveness

Points to 3 body parts
10-25 words
24 mo
(ASQ #3)
Walks down stairs with 2 feet on each step
Kicks ball
Throws overhand
Puts cubes into line
Imitates circle, horizontal line
Uses door knob, straw
Pulls off pants

Parallel play
Mask emotions

2 step command
2 word sentence
50+ words
50% intelligibility
3 yr Balances 1 foot 3s
Walks heel to toe
Catches ball
Cuts with scissors
Independent eating

Draws 3 part person
Fears imaginary things

200+ words
75% intelligibility
4 yr

Balances 1 foot 4s
Hops on one foot
Catches bounced ball

Copies square
Brushes teeth alone
Uses fork well
Draws 4 part person
"Tricking" others
Preferred friend
Group play
3 step command
300-1000 words
100% intelligibility
5 yr Walks down stairs alternating feet
Balances 1 foot > 8s
Hops 15 times
Copies triangle
Cuts well with scissors
Writes first name
Independent dressing and bathing
8-10 part person
Reads 25 words
Group of friends
2000 words
Retells story with beginning middle and end
6 yr Tandem walk Draws diamond
Writes first and last name
Ties shoes
Combs hair
12-14 part person
Adds and subtracts
Reads 250 words by end of 1st grade
10,000 words

Vaccination schedule

author: admin | last edited: Aug. 20, 2017, 10:53 p.m. | pk: 49