Infertility: inability to achieve pregnancy after 1 year of regular unprotected intercourse 

  • Evaluate male after 12 mo, or after 6 mo if female is > 35 yo
  • Male infertility present in 50%
  • Affects 8-15% of couples: 50% female only, 20% male only, 30% male + female


  • Primary/secondary (i.e. fathered prior pregnancy)
  • Location of abnormality
    • Pre-testicular
      • Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (eg Kallman's)
      • Prolactinoma
    • Testicular
      • Varicocele (most common)
      • Hypergonadotropic hypogonadism (eg Klinefelter's)
      • Sertoli cell only syndrome (germ cell aplasia)
      • Gonadotoxins, genetic, immotile cilia, testis infection
      • Cryptorchidism
    • Post-testicular
      • Ejaculatory duct obstruction (EDO), vasectomy, CBAVD
      • Ejaculatory disorder
      • Hypospadias, improper coital technique
  • Sperm parameters
    • Normospermia, azoo (no sperm in ejaculate x 2 centrifuged semen samples), oligo ([sperm] < 15-20 million/ml), astheno (< 40-50% of sperm are mobile), terato (abnormal morphology), aspermia (semen volume = 0 ml)
  • Obstructive/non-obstructive
    • Obstructive - 2/2 ejaculatory duct obstruction: surgery, GU trauma/infxn, CF, CBAVD (congenital bilateral absence of the vas)
    • Non-obstructive - 2/2 impaired spermatogenesis: hypogonadism, gonadal toxins, testicular torsion, mumps orchitis

Genetic causes

  • CFTR - chr 7, a/w CF (100%), CBAVD (70%) (almost all with CF also have CBAVD)
    • **hide**Also test intron 8, a/w decreased CFTR mRNA
  • Y chromosome microdeletions - impaired spermatogenesis; in 10-15% of men with azoospermia
    • Testicular sperm extraction successful in AZFc deletion (67%), but not AZFa/b (0% have sperm) (AZF = azoospermia factor regions)
  • Chromosomal - in 6% of infertile men. e.g. Klinefelter's (XXY, 66% of karyotype abnormalities)
    • Klinefelter's infertility 2/2 sclerosis of seminiferous tubules - can still have normal sperm on biopsy (about 50%). A/w breast cancer, extragonadal germ cell tumor
  • Kallmann's  - hypogonadotropic hypogonadism
  • Thalassemia, sickle cell also a/w infertility
  • Young's syndrome - obstructive azoospermia (abnormal cilia and thick epididymal secretions), chronic sinusitis, bronchiectasis
  • ADPKD can have cysts in testis/epididymis/SV leading to obstruction


  • Spermatogenesis occurs in seminiferous tubules (Sertoli cells)
    • **hide**Takes 75 days total; 12 days for sperm transit within epididymis
    • Requires FSH, high intraluminal testosterone level, Sertoli cells tight junctions (blood-testis barrier; protect from immune system), temperature 34°C
    • **hide**Mitosis: spermatogonia (2n) → spermatocytes (2n)
    • **hide**Meiosis: 1° spermatocyte (2n) → 2° spermatocyte (2n) → spermatid (1n)
    • **hide**Spermiogenesis: spermatid -> sperm (spermatozoa)
  • Sperm travels from seminiferous tubules → rete testis → efferent ducts → epididymis (caput → cauda; acquire motility and mature) (stored until ejaculation)
    • Epididymis is most proximal site with motile sperm capable of fertilization


  • Sex determinatin - SRY gene on short arm of Y chromosome
  • LH  → Leydig cells → T → internal genitalia
  • DHT → external genitalia
  • FSH  →  Sertoli cells → MIS → prevent Mullerian duct from developing uterus
    • Sertoli cells  →  inhibin B  →  inhibit FSH
  • 3 surges in T - neonatal (12-18 wks), 2 months, puberty

Male initial screening: reproductive history and semen analysis


  • Coital frequency and timing
  • Duration of infertility; prior fertility
  • Childhood illnesses, developmental history
    • **hide**Mumps orchitis (post-puberty only, damages seminiferous tubules and Leydig cells)
  • Systemic medical illness
    • Diabetes a/w ED
    • Thyroid disorder a/w pituitary imbalance
    • Upper resp. disease a/w cystic fibrosis (a/w CBAVD), Kartagener's (immotile cilia), Young's syndrome (thick epididymal secretions)
    • **hide**Other: cirrhosis, myotonic dystrophy
  • Previous surgery
    • Vasectomy/reversal, inguinal hernia, orchiectomy/pexy, prostate surgery, RPLND, etc. can damage vas deferens
  • Medications/allergies
  • Sexual history (including STDs)
    • Epididymitis, orchitis, prostatitis
  • Exposure to gonadal toxins
    • Environmental - heavy metals, agricultural chemicals, cigarette smoke
    • Chemical - abx, drugs, anti-androgen medications, chemo, genital radiation
    • Hyperthermia - hot tub, sauna, febrile illness (may impair spermatogenesis x 3 mo), varicocele
      • Cycling > 5 hrs/wk can affect blood flow and sperm count

Physical exam

  • Penis/meatus (hypospadias → semen is not directed properly)
  • Testes (seminiferous tubules comprise most of testes volume) - normal size ~ 20 cc/4.5 cm
  • Vasa and epididymides
    • Absence of the vas diagnosed on exam
    • Unilateral vasal agenesis - should have renal ultrasound (25% a/w ipsi renal agenesis)
    • Bilateral vasal agenesis - test for CFTR mutation (CF/CBAVD); renal agenesis is rare with CFTR mutation (indication for renal US if mutation is absent)
  • Varicocele
    • Right sided varicocele may indicate renal mass - consider imaging
  • 2° sex characteristics, evidence of endocrine dysfunction (e.g. gynecomastia)

Semen analysis 

  • 2 samples, 1 mo apart
    • Very high variance in semen quality so get > 1 sample
  • Pre-test abstinence x 2-5d; at least 3 mo after febrile illness or extreme physical stress
  • Store at body temperature, analyze within 1 hr
  • **hide**Centrifuge (≥ 3000g x 15 min) and look at pellet to diagnose azoospermia
  • Low volume < 1.0 ml - rule out retrograde ejaculation with post-ejaculatory UA (unless hypogonadism/CBAVD)
    • **hide**Centrifuge 300g x 10 min, look at 400x
  • Presented as volume / concentration / motility / morphology (eg 2.1 mL/13M/32%/2%)

motile sperm

  Subfertile Lower limit Fertile
Ejaculate volume   1.5 ml  
pH   7.2  
Sperm concentration < 13.5 x 106 / ml 15 x 106 / ml

> 48 x 106 / ml
(normal 50-100)

Total #   39 x 106  
% motility < 32% 40% > 63%
Forward progression   32%  
Normal morphology* < 9% 4% > 14% (Kruger)
> 30% (WHO)
Sperm agglutination   absent  
Viscosity   ≤ 2 cm  
  • Varicocele shows "stress pattern" of decreased concentration, motility, and morphology
  • *morphology cut-offs vary by lab/criteria. If this is the only abnormality, don't really need to worry about it

Endocrine evaluation (for abnormal semen parameters esp. sperm < 10 x 106 / ml, impaired sexual function or clinical findings suggestive of endocrinopathy)

  • **hide**Draw hormones in morning before 10 AM
  • Minimum evaluation: Testosterone and FH
    • Low testosterone: reflex to total/free testosterone, prolactin, LH
    • FSH > 2x normal: primary testicular failure
  • LH → Leydig cells → T
  • FSH → Sertoli cells → sperm
  • Prolactin → ?↑ LH receptors
  T FSH/LH Prolactin
1° testicular failure (Klinefelter's) -
Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (Kallman's) -
Androgen resistance (androgen insensitivity syndrome)

FSH variable


Karyotype/Y chromosome testing - offer to men with NOA or severe oligospermia < 5-10 x 106 / ml

CFTR testing - if absent vas deferens (or idiopathic ductal obstruction), test both patient and partner

Other work-up:

TRUS - work up ejaculatory duct obstruction (EDO) in men with low ej. vol, low sperm count, palpable vasa

  • Symptoms suggesting ejaculatory duct obstruction: hematospermia, painful ejaculation, low volume ejaculate, infertility (may have hx of infections or trauma)
  • Semen analysis in EDO: low volume, thin watery consistency, low fructose, pH < 7.0, oligo/azoospermia
  • **hide**Normal SV < 1.5 cm anterior-posterior. Other abnormal findings: dilated ejaculatory ducts > 2.3 mm diameter, calcifications, midline cystic structures in prostate
  • **hide**Can perform SV aspiration within 24 hr of ejaculation - if SV still contains sperm (> 3/hpf), EDO probably present
  • Risks of ejaculatory duct resection - epididymoorchitis (reflux of urine), go home w catheter. Use cut not coag

**hide**Scrotal ultrasound - indicated for ambiguous/inadequate/suspicious scrotal exam. (Non-palpable varicoceles found on US do not impair fertility)

**hide**Specialized semen/sperm tests:

  • **hide**Semen fructose - fructose produced by SVs; normal ≥ 13 umol
  • **hide**Semen WBCs - > 1 million/ml → evaluate for GU infxn; needs special assay to differentiate WBC from immature germ cell
  • **hide**Anti-sperm antibodies - indicated for abnormal post-coital test e.g. "shaking sperm", agglutination, impaired mobility with normal concentration, unexplained fertility. Test for IgG and IgA, not IgM. Use immunobaed test or mixed antiblobulin reaction (MAR).
  • **hide**Sperm viability - use eosin/trypan blue dye or hypo-osmotic swelling test (HOS) to assess cell membrane (live sperm do not stain and do undergo tail swelling)
  • **hide**Post-coital test - intercourse immediately before ovulation, then look at cervical mucus; normal sperm is hypermobile. Test not standardized; poor timing most common cause of abnormal test. "Shaking sperm" indicates anti-sperm antibodies
  • **hide**Limited utility: sperm penetration test with zona free hamster oocyte (may predict IVF success), acrosome reaction assay, sperm DNA integrity tests (eg fragmentation), semen reactive oxygen species test

General recommendations

  • Avoid smoking/alcohol/drugs
  • Avoid hyperthermia (hot tubs)
  • Coital technique: avoid most lubricants (impairs sperm motility); optimal frequency q2d starting 2d before ovulation (sperm survives 2 days in cervical mucus), avoid spermicides/contraceptives
  • Healthy lifestyle - exercise, diet, multivitamin

Medical therapy 

  • Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism:
    • GnRH/gonadotropin replacement (hCG/hMG)
    • Anti-estrogens (e.g. clomiphene/Clomid) may increase testosterone
      • **hide**12.5-25 mg PO qd vs 50 mg qod
      • Recheck semen analysis at 3 mo, 9 mo; can stop if no improvement
    • Aromatase inhibitor - empiric therapy for idiopathic oligospermia with testosterone/estrogen ratios of < 10 (normal 20:1)
      • **hide**testolactone 50-100 mg PO BID, anastrazole 1 mg PO daily, for 4-5 months. Check LFTs with anastrazole
    • FSH replacement (Follistim) - $$$
  • Testosterone replacement worsens fertility - lowers LH, decreases intratesticular androgens, and impairs spermatogenesis
  • Hyperprolactinemia - cabergoline vs surgical resection
  • Klinefelter's - do microTESE
  • Can switch flomax to alfuzosin (less ejaculatory dysfunction)
  • Pseudoephedrine/imipramine can help with retrograde ejaculation

Surgical therapy

  • Vasectomy reversal
  • Varicocelectomy
  • Correct hypospadias, Peyronie's
  • EDO - ejaculatory duct dilation, or transurethral resection (TURED)
  • If only one pregnancy desired or if female infertility contributing, may choose assisted reproduction instead of surgical repair

Assisted reproduction

  • e.g. intrauterine insemination (IUI), IVF
  • Sperm retrieval
    • Normal - masturbation
    • **hide**Retrograde ejaculation - bladder wash (should alkalinize the urine first)
    • **hide**Spinal cord injury above T10 - penile vibratory stimulation (PVS), stimulates sympathetic T10-L2 and parasympathetic S2-S4
    • **hide**RPLND or failed PVS - electroejaculation
    • **hide**EDO - SV aspiration
    • **hide**Vasectomy - vas aspiration during vasectomy reversal
    • **hide**Obstructive azoospermia - epididymal sperm retrieval (PESA percutaneous, MESA microsurgical (yields more sperm))
    • Non-obstructive azoospermia - testicular sperm retreival (TESA percutaneous, TESE biopsy extraction)

Success rates

Process Minimum #sperm required Pregnancy rate
Unassisted 20-40 x 106 / ml ~80% at 1 year
IUI (intrauterine insemination)
5 x 106 / ml 7-19%/cycle
IVF (in vitro fertilization)

25-50,000/oocyte (normal men)
500,000 - 1,000,000/oocyte (infertile men)
1/oocyte (for intracytoplasmic injection/ICSI)

VV (vasovasostomy) ~80% achieve sperm in ejaculate ~50%
VE (vasoepididymostomy ) ~50% achieve sperm in ejaculate ~30%
Varicocelectomy 70% have improved semen quality 40-50%
author: admin | last edited: March 6, 2023, 9:51 a.m. | pk: 53

  1. Diagnostic evaluation of the infertile male: a committee opinion. The Practice Committee of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, 2012, doi:10.1016/j.fertnstert.2012.05.033
  2. Pocket Urology, p. 419