

Loop diuretics (Na, K, 2 Cl) (thick ascending limb of Loop of Henle)


Starting dose 20-40 mg (IV)
Max single dose 40-80 mg
Max daily dose 600 mg

PO bioavailability low (50%) and extremely variable - 10-100%

6 hour duration

Excrete 20-25% of total filtered Na (first-line)

Reduced PO absorption with intestinal mucosal edema → IV route preferred if very fluid overloaded


Starting dose 5-10 mg
Max single dose 100 mg
Max daily dose 200 mg

Long half-life

Good PO bioavailability


Starting dose 0.5-1 mg
Max single dose 5 mg
Max daily dose 10 mg

Good PO bioavailability

Aldosterone antagonist (K+ sparing) (cortical collecting tubule)


(eplenerone fewer side effects, more $)

Starting dose 12.5 – 25 mg QD
Double after 4 weeks if K < 5.0

(Aldactone:Lasix = 100:40 for electrolyte balance)

Recommended in (improves remodeling):

  • NYHA II, LVEF < 30%
  • NYHA III-IV, LVEF < 35%
  • STEMI, LVEF < 40%

Excrete 1-2% of total filtered Na

30% reduction in mortality for HFrEF

Thiazide diuretics (Na, Cl) (distal convoluted tubule)

Metolazone (PO only)

(used on top of loop diuretic)

Low dose (< 5 mg) effective

Up to 250 mg

PO thiazide should precede IV loop diuretic by 2-5 hours

Also acts in proximal tubule - better than other thiazides at diuresing with low GFR

Excrete 3-5% of total filtered Na

Distal tubule can reabsorb 75-80% of Na from the loop of Henle

  • 40 mg IV furosemide = 80 mg PO furosemide = 1 mg IV/PO bumetanide = 20 mg IV torsemide
  • Diuretic effect reaches steady state after ~ 2 weeks (so electrolyte abnormalities will also stabilize in first 2-4 weeks)
  • Maximum natriuretic response occurs with first dose
  • Bolus and continuous infusion are similar
  • Thiazides can cause hyponatremia compared to loop diuretics - loop diuretics disrupt the hyperosmotic medullary gradient and therefore impair ADH response, while sodium excretion by thiazide diuretics can be compensated for by ADH-mediated free water reabsorption -> hyponatremia
    • Thus, use thiazides (e.g. metolazone) when diuresing in hypernatremia

author: admin | last edited: July 19, 2021, 3:10 a.m. | pk: 59