Glasgow coma scale (GCS)

  • Used to assess level of consciousness after head injury
  • Score GCS 3-15 out of 3 categories (motor, vocal, eye opening)
    • ≥ 13: mild brain injury
    • 9-12: moderate brain injury
    • ≤ 8: severe brain injury
      • "GCS 8, intubate"
  • If intubated, max score 10T, minimum 2T (no verbal scoring)
  Motor Vocal Eye opening
6 Obeys commands    
5 Localizes to pain Oriented x 3  
4 Withdraws from pain Confused Spontaneously
3 Decorticate (flexes to pain) Inappropriate words To speech
2 Decerebrate (extends to pain) Incomprehensible sounds To pain
1 No movement No response No response
author: admin | last edited: Jan. 8, 2019, 7:19 p.m. | pk: 65
