General schedule
- Rounds are usually ~ 6 AM (earlier if there is conference on W/F) on the 17300 unit
- Pre-round on the patients you have seen in surgery
- Night float intern may have printed notes and lists/case schedules already, but if not then this is how you do it (todo)
- Pull patient charts onto the two carts (split into two services)
- Help template notes
- Present
- You will be in the OR most of the time
- Chief will email you a schedule each Sunday with your assigned cases for the week
- You should know about the patient (HPI, PMH indication for surgery, etc.)
- Afternoon rounds with whichever senior is done first
- Usually out by ~ 5-6 PM
- Clinic
- Maybe 1-2 days in the month
- Probably good to go to Figenshau clinic (he evalutes you)
- Conferences
- W/F in 2 Wohl (follow a resident) - resident didactics or grand rounds
- Students sit in the...3rd row?
- There is sometimes food
Where to put stuff
- There is a resident call room between the elevators and the nurses station where you can put your bag. Ask a resident for the code
Presentation template (short! < 1 min):
- ID: _name_ is a _age_ year old M/F POD #__ from a _surgery_.
- Shorten to only POD if patient has been there a while and is known to the team.
- S:
- Pain: well controlled, PO or IV meds, # PCA button pushes)
- GI: diet (clears/reg), tolerating (n/v), flatus or BMs
- Ambulation (how many times)
- O:
- Ins/outs (UOP adequate, or x cc/kg/hr)
- Vitals (within normal limits)
- Exam: relevant parts only, with abdominal exam (soft, appropriately tender, nondistended, incisions c/d/i)
- Drains: Foley (clear yellow/cherry/clots), JP (serosanguinous)
- A/P:
- What is keeping them in the hospital? To be discharged, a surgical patient needs to be on PO meds with adequately controlled pain and eating a regular diet.
- Pain: transition to PO meds
- Diet: ADAT
- Drains: remove when appropriate
- etc...
Note template:
- insert image of typical note
- todo: how to skeletonize/template notes for the morning
admin |
last edited: Feb. 18, 2018, 2:17 a.m. | pk: 71