
  • 4400 ICU
  • Red team workroom - across from bed 12
  • Blue team workroom - across from bed 22
  • Restrooms - marked "Staff only"; code is 4321#
  • Supply rooms code is 1986#/*

Print list

  • Select "4400 ICU" from dropdown; add patients to patient list
  • Printer icon at the top of the screen -> “MD Handoff” -> “MD Handoff Rounding Report 44ICU.”

Chart rounding

  • Review overnight events
  • Pressor drips, vent changes etc. will be charted in CDV tab
  • Review labs, electrolyte repletion
  • Review CXRs
  • Review: insulin/D10/feeding status; anti-coagulation; PPI prophylaxis
  • Review SBT’s (spontaneous breathing trials)

Lectures - 44ICU conference room (there is usually food)

  • W 5-6 PM - Multidisciplinary critical care lecture
  • Th 1-2 PM - Fellow critical care lecture series


  • No weekends; maybe 2 nights
  • In at 6, AM rounds at 8, leave after PM rounds (~ 5 PM)
  • Mainly presentations - no notes etc.


  • Pain control - fentanyl up to 200
    • Avoid Tylenol if c/f infxn, can mask fevers
  • Sedation - propofol up to 20, but wean for extubating/spontaneous breathing trial
  • Hemodynamic stability - pressor requirements
  • Causes of pressor requirement - hypotension from sedation (e.g. propofol/precedex), shock (hypovolemic vs distributive (septic/vasoplegic))
  • Vent settings with relevant ABG - any changes?
  • Plan for vent wean - did patient pass their BEST? Needs to be able to follow commands to extubate.
    • If trached, STAR vs. SWAT?
  • > 14 days of ETT → trach (ETT cuff causes pressure necrosis).
  • Nutrition
    • Start "trickle feeds" at 10 and advance to goal (45, 60 cc/hr)
    • Hold tube feeds with high pressor requirements due to risk of non-occlusive mesenteric ischemia
    • Diarrhea is common with tube feeds but should rule out C. diff
      • Can add fiber, immodium otherwise
  • Electrolyte repletion: K > 4, Phos > 3, Mg > 2, ionized Ca > 4.5 (may be low after blood product transfusion due to EDTA chelation)
  • PUD prophylaxis indications - positive pressure ventilation, GI bleed/ulcer, coagulopathy, TBI, burn
    • IV Pepcid/famotidine (H2 blocker); PO protonix/pantoprazole (PPI)
  • Insulin
  • Glucoses (goal glycemic target for insulin therapy 140-180); repeated glucoses > 200 may indicate need to increase sliding scale or insulin dose
  • AKI, Foley, etc.
  • Renal replacement therapy/fluid balance goals (FBG) - patients advance along these options as their blood pressure becomes less labile/can tolerate fluid shifts
    • CVVHD - continuous "gentle"/best-tolerated BP-wise, can adjust fluid removal to no removal, net even, -50 to -200 cc/hr, etc.
    • SLED - intermittent "long" dialysis overnight ~ 8 hrs
    • HD - normal dialysis, ~ 4 hrs
  • Hct, bleeding
  • Coags
  • DVT prophylaxis (SQH; lovenox for trauma pts; vs. no chemical prophylaxis)
  • Some attendings like to have Dopplers q 7 days
  • Patients on CVVHD have artificially lower temperatures so will not always see a fever
  • antibiotics (have an end date in mind)
  • Locations of lines
  • Patients cannot go to the floor with: arterial lines, Cordis (large bore introducer catheters), femoral trialysis. Normal triple lumen central lines are OK.

While others are rounding, write the plan on the door with a marker

author: admin | last edited: Feb. 18, 2018, 1:50 a.m. | pk: 83