
WBC Consider cause of leukocytosis - post-op (typically to 12-14), stress reaction, infxn
Hgb Transfuse < 7 (threshold is < 8 in patients with ACS (cardiac ischemia))
Consider cause of drops: dilutional (will see plt go down), fluid shifts, concern for bleeding
Plt Typically will not transfuse unless < 10,000 - 50,000
If Plt dropping and pt is on heparin, consider HIT
INR Goal < 1.5.
If elevated, consider: liver injury, poor nutritional status (vit K)

Electrolyte abnormalities

Na Between 130-150 likely clinically insignificant
K Replete > 4.0
author: last edited: Feb. 1, 2018, 3:16 p.m. | pk: 87 | unpublished