
  • < 6 mo: congenital mesoblastic nephroma (CMN)
    • CMN median age 2.4 mo; uncommon to be metastatic/(considered benign/surgery usually curative)
    • Rhabdoid tumor
    • Consider Wilms but more rare in infancy
  • < 12 yrs: Wilms tumor (mean age 3.5 yo, most before 5y)
    • Multilocular cystic nephroma ~ 2y, usually cured with excision. Genetic counseling for DICER mutation
    • Clear cell sarcoma of the kidney median 3y
    • Rhabdoid tumor of the kidney ~ 18 mo, Majority stage III-IV
  • > 12 yrs: renal cell carcinoma
    • Most commonly translocation related
  • Renal medullary carcinoma a/w sickle cell
  • Metanephric adenoma
  • Cystic vs solid vs fat containing
  • Incidental vs symptomatic


  • PMH/FH: sydnromic conditions, sickle cell
  • CBC, CMP, coags (2% of Wilms have acquired von Willebrand deficiency)
  • Abdominal US to start
  • If there is a mass - CT/MRI of abdomen/pelvis
author: last edited: Aug. 27, 2021, 12:15 p.m. | pk: 176 | unpublished