Myocardial infarction definition

  • Rise/fall in cardiac biomarkers
  • AND evidence of ischemia
    • ST/T wave changes, new LBBB, new Q waves, imaging showing new infarct (TTE, myocardial perfusion scan (MPI))


  • EKG, CXR, CBC, CMP, troponin, T&S, coags, hCG
  • Other causes of troponin elevation: dissection, CHF, PE, myocarditis, ESRD, HTN emergency, trauma, cocaine, chemo, sepsis...etc.

EKG basics


  • ST elevations ≥ 1 mm in ≥ 2 contiguous leads (with reciprocal ST depression in contralateral leads)
  • New LBBB + symptoms c/w new MI
    • In absence of old EKG or baseline LBBB, use Sgarbossa criteria (link)


  • UA sx + elevated troponin = NSTEMI

EKG - anatomic sites of infarct

I aVR V1 V4
II aVL V2 V5
  • Inferior (RCA; posterior descending) OR CFX
    •  III > II (points to right) = RCA
    • II > III (points to left) = CFX
  • Anterolateral (LCX)
  • Anteroseptal (LAD)
  • Anteroapical (LAD)


  • Morphine - 2-4 g (small vasodilatory effects; may or may not be recommended due to masking chest pain and preventing medical therapy)
  • Oxygen
  • Nitrates (unless R heart involvement)
  • Aspirin 325 mg chewable
    • Plavix/clopidogrel load 600 mg x 1
    • Heparin/lovenox/bivalirudin
  • Reperfusion - STEMI pager, cath lab
    • PCI < 90 minutes (ask about contrast allergy)
    • If PCI unavailable witihn window, fibrinolytic therapy within 30 min


ACS Algorithm

author: admin | last edited: June 14, 2018, 1:01 p.m. | pk: 94 | unpublished